Rebecca libri

Il mercato del libro 2015

Un report di Rüdiger Wischenbart

L’analisi dei più recenti processi di consolidamento dell’editoria europea è al centro del nuovo report “The business of books 2015” del Business Club della Fiera del libro di Francoforte.
Partendo da questa tematica, il report fornisce anche una panoramica dettagliata sugli sviluppi attuali del mercato internazionale dell’editoria, ponendo l’attenzione soprattutto ai Paesi del Nord America, all’Europa, al Brasile, alla Cina, all’India, all’Indonesia e alla Corea.
Questo il paragrafo dedicato all’Italia:
“From a market value of € 2,972 million in 2013 (which fell by 2.7% in 2014, according to GfK), an estimate of publishers’ net revenues in 2014 can be calculated at € 1,760 million.
The three largest publishing groups earned combined revenues of € 952 million in 2014, which again includes significant revenues from distribution services. Messagerie alone is the distributor for some 300 other publishers, gene rating around € 294 million through this activity.
Its two main competitors, Mondadori (with book revenues of € 336 million, including distribution) and RCS (€ 223 million, including distribution and part works) also have mixed portfolios. Feltrinelli does not disclose financial data. As in France, the three market leaders together control well over half the market (55%).
The rumoured acquisition of RCS’ trade publishing by Mondadori would obviously heighten the impact of the consolidation process, depending on what such a deal actually included.”

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