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Religious poverty. From Vatican coucil II to the 1994 Synod of Bishops

Titolo: Religious poverty. From Vatican coucil II to the 1994 Synod of Bishops

Autore: Sugawara, Yuji

Editore: Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Luogo di edizione: Roma

Data di pubblicazione: 01 / 01 / 1997

Stato editoriale: Attivo

Prezzo: € 25.00

EAN: 9788876526985

Both the conciliar and post-conciliar teachings, including the code of canon law, have recognised the important role of religious poverty and give concrete orientations for the complex problems of present day poverty. They show that religious can make a considerable contribution to the life of the church and the salvations of the world by their living of evangelical poverty. The intent of this work is to demonstrate that religions aims not at a minimum but rather at the magis a more profound way of living and at an apostolate of this evangelical councel which has its purpose the realisations of the kingdom of God through one's total poverty.

Lingua: Inglese (Lingua del testo)

Tipo di prodotto: Libro

Dettagli: Legatura non cucita / con adesivo

Collana: Tesi Gregoriana Diritto Canonico

Numero collana: 3

Numero edizione: 1

Altezza (mm): 24.00

Larghezza (mm): 17.00


Argomenti: Concilio Vaticano II; Diritto canonico

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